Weekend Fundraisers for Niamh’s Journey There


Friday 8th September:
• Tea & Coffee Morning in Brogans Pharmacy on Shop Street – including Free Draw for a Fabulous Hamper
Friday & Saturday 8th & 9th:
• Curlieu Wheelers invite EVERYONE the Cycle a few kilometres during their static cycle both instore Londis Supermarket and on The Crescent. The cyclists will cover 1830 km, which is the equivalent of Boyle to Birmingham and back again, starting at 10.30 am each morning and all day.
Friday 8th September:
• Special Fundraiser in the Saddlers Inn from 9.30pm. Raffle and an auction of two tickets to the Red Hot Chilli Peppers … Music is with John Dolan and his band … and a special message from Niamh in the Mater Hospital