Úna Bhán Tourism Manager

Úna Bhán Tourism Manager

Úna Bhán Tourism Co-operative is seeking to recruit an experienced, enthusiastic and dynamic person for the position of Community Services Manager based at King House Boyle.

To be considered for the position candidates will need to have in-depth knowledge and understanding of the Community Services Programme, rural tourism development and marketing, community development, funding structures and mechanisms for support.  Extensive practical experience of project management or a similar role will be required.  A graduate-level qualification is desirable but not essential.

The Manager will be responsible for the management and supervision of four members of staff and will be required to have excellent interpersonal and organisational skills, be proficient in IT, and will have administrative abilities with experience in report writing, budgeting and finances. A good working knowledge of community-based rural tourism would be a distinct advantage.

Applications with Curriculum Vitae (max 3 pages) to be submitted, in a sealed envelope, by hand or post to :- Karen Litton, Secretary, Úna Bhán Tourism, Grounds of King House, Boyle, Co. Roscommon. Closing date: 5pm Friday February 12th 2021. This position is full time (39hrs).

Further information available by email only to:- patricia@unabhan.ie Applications will be opened by the Management Committee and treated as confidential.

Shortlisting will apply.  Interviews will take place via Zoom during the week beginning February 15th Úna Bhán Tourism is an Equal Opportunities Employer.
This project is supported by the Department of Rural and Community Development and Pobal through the Community Services Programme.