Tony Conboy “An Oblique View” 13th January

TonyConboyAnobliqueViewTony’s “An Oblique View” is a ‘must read’ feature on every week.

This week Tony’s eagle eye settles obliquely on a range of well-observed topics:
Donald Trump : Obama Bowing Out : Mick O’Connell -at 80- A Prince of a Gaelic Footballer : Hospital Waiting Lists : Homelessness : A tame I.T. Sligo no match for Roscommon : King’s Hospital School Alleged Incident : EU Commissioner Pádraig ‘P’ Flynn.
I particularly enjoyed the Mick O’Connell article. Mick’s interview with Ger Gilroy was stuff of greatness, and fitting for a man of his stature. To many, Mick was the Bob Dylan or Michael Flatley of GAA … thank you for the reminder Tony !!

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