Tickets for ‘Guys & Dolls’

Tickets for ‘Guys & Dolls’

Desktop29 (002)

“With just over three weeks until opening night, tickets for ‘Guys & Dolls’ will go on sale from 10am on Saturday, November 5th.

Our Booking Office is once again located at the Únabhán Craft Shop in the grounds of King House. Tickets can be purchased or bookings can be made here from 10am to 4pm every day excluding Sundays, until Saturday November 26th.

Tickets can also booked by telephone on 071 9663033. This line will be open during booking office hours only.  We accept credit and debit card bookings.

‘Guys & Dolls’ will be staged in St. Joseph’s Hall, Boyle from Wednesday, November 23rd to Saturday November 26th and the performances will be at 8pm nightly.”