Scoil Na nAingeal Naofa – a thank You

18676367_1894327993917571_964776912_oPhoto source: Clí Bohan O’Donnell, Scoil Na nAingeal Naofa

“The children, parents and Staff and Board of Management of Scoil Na nAingeal Naofa would like to express our sincere thanks and gratitude to everyone who assisted and supported us with our Fashion Show fundraise.

We would like to acknowledge
Ardcarne Garden Centres for plants and flowers
Margaret McLoughlin for decorating the ramp
Taylors Interiors for the carpet
Guys who assembled the ramp. Pat Gannon; John Cummins and John Tighe
Parents committee; who helped out with all aspects from Front of house to ticket selling
All businesses who donated prizes for the raffle: SuperValu, Hair &More, Amy’s Nails, An Craobhin, Enhance Beauty, Brogan’s Pharmacy, Ryan’s Pharmacy, Daly’s Drinks, Taylors, Moonstone Jewellers, Magees, Aidan Ray, Victoria Walker Dance, Mulvey’s Kids Kingdom, The Landmark Hotel, Clarkes, Sligo Park, Sheerins, Ms. Brown, teachers and the Parents Association
Nigel Cleary for the lighting
Tommy Egan and the Hall committee
DJ Dermot Leyden
Compere Marie Lavin, who as always did a very professional job
Hair and More for their display of product, hair and beauty tips
Marina Scally for wonderful selection of Hats from her ‘ With Nora’ collection
Gerard & Aidan from Aidan Ray Menswear
Audience and all who bought tickets to support our school

Our wonderful models…

A special word of thanks to Mary Magee, her daughter Karen and all the team in Magees. The night just would not have been possible without their help and support. We are extremely cognisant of the amount of work that went on behind the scenes to organise all aspects of the night. Mary and her team are extremely professional and have the fashion show organisation and etiquette down to a fine art.

This year was a special year for Mary as she celebrates 40 years in business. She is a wonderful asset our community in Boyle and a fantastic role model for our students here in the school. We wish her continued success and prosperity.

Finally and most importantly, a whopping €4,400 was raised. The money will be put to good use and already we have planned a number of projects for this summer, which will improve the learning environment for all our students.
Overall the night was a great success and a very positive event for the school. We look forward to your continued support.”

Michelle Gill
(on behalf of children, parents and staff and Board of Management of Scoil Na nAingeal Naofa)