Dancer Colin Dunne, fiddler Tola Custy, harpist Maeve Gilchrist and uileann piper David Power thrilled an appreciative at Roscommon Arts Centre audience last night, Wednesday 14th September. World class performances on our doorstep! I have viewed every YouTube video of Colin’s and Maeve’s and finally got to see them live!
• Colin Dunne is a British-Irish leading figure in the world of traditional Irish dance, as well as a theatre actor and contemporary dancer. Colin’s preformances in Riverdance match those of its creator, Michael Flatley.
• Maeve Gilchrist, Described by one critic as “a phenomenal harp player who can make her instrument ring with unparalleled purity”, Maeve Gilchrist has taken the Celtic harp to new levels of performance. Maeve is currently an instructor at the world renowned Berklee College of Music in Boston