It felt like “the old days” in Boyle when we had annual summer street festivals. Saturday night’s highlights were based outside Mattimoes and Boyle Bridge: bars packed : hundreds on the streets to hear the rock band on an open trailer : a spectacular fireworks display viewable from the bridge and all over town
• Kudos and well done to the festival promoters Aaron Sharkey (Moylurg Inn), Joe Ryan and Barry Simon (Mattimoes).
• Festival highlights will base outside the Moylurg Inn today Sunday 6th August : BBQ, Bouncy Castle, Face Painting, Tug-o-War and music by the Mongrals from 9pm
Happy ‘Festivallers’ on Boyle Bridge pictured in this photo
Fireworks over Boyle Bridge captured in this excellent photo bo Dermot Leyden (‘Best of Memories’)
“Twisted Ninja” performing on an open trailer at Boyle Bridge Photo by Dermot Leyden