Family mental health and wellbeing Summit 2020
Sarah Waldron wrote: “As a local Relax Kids coach, I’m feeling very proud to be part of an organisation that has, in less than a week, pulled together some incredible speakers in the field of children’s mental health and wellbeing for an Online Summit.
• The ‘Relax Your Child’ Online Summit starts on Monday 20 July and runs through the week.
• As a local coach, covering Roscommon, Sligo & surrounding areas, I’m wanting to get word out to as many people as possible and would love you to share the news of the online summit.
• There will be lots of amazingly useful tools and tips for parents, carers, teaching staff etc to support the mental health and wellbeing of children and not forgetting some helpful tips for adults as well.
• The Online Summit will take place on the Relax Kids Facebook page”