Thursday 19th January: The first in a season of FREE 5km ‘Operation Transformation’ walks attracted in excess of 120 participants (I lost count at 120!!). Pat Brogan, his staff and the inspirational Melissa Doohan were on hand at the start point in the Royal Hotel Car Park distributing free bottles of water and High Vis tops to one and all. At a couple of minutes after 8pm we set off along Carrick Road, Maple Drive and back to the car park via Abbeytown
• From next Monday 23rd January, weigh ins and BMI measurements will be available all day and every day for those interested in achieving better health and their personal Operation Transformation. Pat Brogan said “Take charge of your health today … join us on Operation Transformation”
• BMI : Your body mass index or BMI is a measurement that uses both your weight and your height. There are different 4 weight categories – underweight, healthy, overweight and obese.
• Brogans Pharmacy will award a special prize to the person who achieves the best BMI reduction at the end of this six week season of Operation Transformation
• Melissa says “Congratulations and well done to all who took part and future participants. See y’all next Thursday at 8pm and every Thursday after that!!”