North West Green Party


Our Rural Future: NW Greens welcome €1.6 million for upgrade works on rural roads and laneways 

The funding, announced under the Local Improvement Scheme, will improve access to rural homes and farms, as well as outdoor amenities such as lakes, rivers, mountains and beaches. Each county has received an increase this year. The allocations for the four NW County Councils to distribute are:

Donegal                     €697,456

Leitrim                        €270,000

Roscommon             €375,104

Sligo                           €276,154


Dr Bláithín Gallagher – Constituency Spokesperson and National Coordinator of the Green Party/An Comhaontas Glas said:

“Without the Local Improvement Schemes, a lot  of homes would be inaccessible. This scheme is literally a lifeline for many. The increased funding this year is very welcome.”

“Many farmers in the North West have dispersed parcels of land, often cut off from a public road, so it is great to see them being given support in their important work of food production and land management.”

“Access to community amenities is also important and this scheme can play an important role in enabling communities to keep them open and available to all in their neighbourhood.”

Over €68 million has now been invested under the Local Improvement Scheme since it was re-introduced in 2017.

The focus of the scheme is to support the continued improvement of rural roads and laneways that are not normally maintained by local authorities but which represent a vital piece of infrastructure for rural residents.

Local Authorities are responsible for identifying and prioritising roads for improvement works under the scheme, in consultation with residents/landowners.

The funding provided by the Department of Rural and Community Development will be complemented by a local financial contribution from landowners/householders, as well as Local Authority resources.

There will be a cap of €1,200 on the amount that any individual householder or landowner will be asked to contribute towards the cost of repairs to their road.