Launch of Boyle 2040, October 1st 2018
A large turnout of locals was present in King House for the official launch of Boyle 2040 … about embracing the challenge of adaptation from 20th century market town to a new economy with new community driven approaches to planning and urban design, whilst imagining new roles and a new identity for Boyle town. Also present alongside representatives from Roscommon Co Council were a goodly number of elected representatives.
• Amidst the high-sounding, sleep-inducing rhetoric from some of the speakers, we were repeatedly urged to ‘talk-up’ our town and avoid negativity while allowing that criticism might be valid on occasions.
• A glossy, beautifully designed ‘table-top’ book was available outlining The Story, The Challenge and The Response to a possible future for the town we love so well.
• The 2040 plan deals with the sensitivity of remodelling The Royal Hotel building and site, as well as a covered Food Market on the current Shambles Yard, a boutique Hotel at Frybrook, a Distillery Visitor Experience and an Active Frontage along the north side of the river connecting with The Pleasure Grounds and more …
• We were give to believe that as funding comes available, development of the 2040 plan will commence in 2019
Averyl Dooher and Úna iChuinn organised the launch event in King House