Minister Denis Naughten conducted a useful and informative public meeting in Boyle recently. The minister struck a resonant chord with me when he said he cannot bring industry or jobs to Boyle and that we should ‘talk up Boyle’ to maximise our chances for success. I agree with Minister Naughten, and toward that end, regularly insert a “Why Choose Boyle” article [here…].
Viewers will note also that this website’s menu pages include listings of our Attractions, Services, Location, Places to Eat, Stay and many more.
However, there is a gap in my knowledge of the area concerning information that would be vital for a potential investor …
1. What is the trained/untrained labour pool in the area?
2. What or how many buildings are ‘business ready’ in the area, and what size are they? … and are there recommended Green Field sites with Planning Permission?
3. There is a sizable Boyle diaspora worldwide. Have the Chamber of Commerce / Boyle TM / Boyle Town Team contacted any of them with a view to relocating back to Boyle?
Perhaps some of our ‘in the know’ folks will answer the questions for me in the interests of the welfare of our beloved Boyle. As always, please email me: