Have your say on Heritage Ireland 2030 –  new National Heritage Plan

Heritage Plan

Have your say on Heritage Ireland 2030 –  new National Heritage Plan

Heritage Ireland 2030 is a new and ambitious strategy for Ireland – that will value and protect our built and natural heritage for future generations. Help shape this strategy. #heritageireland2030

Heritage Ireland 2030 is the Government’s commitment to a revitalised and refreshed National Heritage Plan. Heritage Ireland 2030 will recognise the vital role our heritage plays in our community, our economy and our society. Heritage Ireland 2030 will be a coherent, comprehensive and inspiring framework of values, principles and strategic priorities which will guide and inform the heritage sector over the next decade. Heritage Ireland 2030 will enshrine the shared responsibility of people, communities, businesses and local and national Government in protecting our heritage and ensuring it is cared for into the future. Heritage Ireland 2030 will help us enjoy, understand and care for our heritage.

Your views on objectives and actions to deliver the vision are important – they will help to shape government priorities for Heritage for the next ten years. ‘If you are interested in our built, natural or cultural heritage this is your chance to let the government know what you think. We need as many submissions as possible to make a good case for heritage at government level. Every submission will help’ said Nollaig Feeney Heritage Officer, Roscommon County Council.

Have Your Say by 28th February 2019.

Have your say by email to heritageireland2030@chg.gov.ie.

Have your say by post to Custom House, Dublin 1, D01 W6XO

Have your say online http://www.chg.gov.ie/heritage/heritageireland2030/

Drop in to a submission workshop: Roscommon Library Tuesday 12th February from 5.30 to 7.30pm. Ballaghaderreen Library Wednesday 13th February 10.30 to 11.30am. Boyle Library Thursday 14th February 1.00 to 2.30pm