Garden Care – What to do this week 12th-19th June

Garden Care

Trees, Shrubs and Roses
• Check tree lupins, birch, Japanese maples and honeysuckle for aphids, which can cause severe die-back of these plants.
• Roses are beginning to flower — all the early kinds of climbers and ramblers will be already in bloom and the bush roses in beds start a little later.
• Continue to spray roses against blackspot disease if the foliage is wet for spells longer than 12 hours.
• Continue to tie in the new shoots of climbing roses so that they will be in the correct position for training later.

• There is still plenty of time to plant up pots and containers and bedding in beds and borders.
• Be sure to control weeds among bedding plants after rain … weeds will take away from the planting if they are allowed to make growth.
• Water regularly and feed container plants.
• Stake perennial flowers that need it, if you have time.

• The weather can be changeable in early summer and from now, it will be easier to keep lawns mowed but regular mowing should be kept up.
• The lawn will look neater and be easier to mow.
• Apply some lawn fertilizer if the grass looks yellowish and pale.

Fruit, Vegetables and Herbs
• Water vegetable seedlings if they need it.
• Thin out and transplant vegetables that have reached suitable size, and control weeds early.
• Plant out savoy cabbage and other winter varieties.
• If there is warm wet wether, it is potato blight weather and potatoes should be sprayed.

Greenhouse and House Plants
• Make sure to water and feed all greenhouse plants well during the coming weeks to maintain vigorous growth during the longest days of the summer.
• Ventilate well during damp weather.
• Watch for pest build-up.
• Continue training and taking side-shoots off tomato plants and twist tomato, melon and cucumber plants up strings.
• Ease off watering tomato plants as they set their first truss of fruit.