Feighan welcomes move of local GPs into Boyle Primary Care Centre
Fine Gael Senator Frank Feighan is very pleased to announce that local GPs, Dr. Barry Cosgrove and Dr. Kamal Javed, will be moving into Boyle Primary Care Centre from tomorrow morning, Wednesday, October 2nd 2019. “This move by Dr. Cosgrove and Dr. Javed is a very significant addition to the range of services already available at this state-of-the-art Centre. “The Primary Care Centre, built at a cost of €6m, is providing vital health services to a population of about 9,000 people in the town and surrounding areas. “The facility ensures local people have improved access to a greater range of health services on their own doorstep and under the one roof. These services include public health nursing, occupational therapy and physiotherapy.
“I want to wish Dr Cosgrove and Dr. Javed all the very best as they move in to what will now be a GP-led Primary Care Centre; a centre which is going from strength to strength.”