Feighan – slow progress on turn lanes at Cootehall and Croghan junctions.
Fine Gael Senator Frank Feighan has expressed his deep dissatisfaction with the slow pace of progress on installing right-turn lanes at the Cootehall and Croghan junctions on the N4 between Boyle and Carrick-on-Shannon.
“My clear understanding is that these works would be completed by the end of this summer. However, on further investigation with Roscommon County Council, I have discovered that the pace of progress has been very slow. I have now intervened to ensure that these vital works are now at the top of the Council’s and Transport Infrastructure Ireland’s (TII) agenda.
Almost a year ago, TII committed to providing in the region of €80,000 towards the installation of these right-hand lanes but since then, the pace of progress on these safety works has been alarmingly sluggish.
Following the approval earlier this year of a Roscommon County Council feasibility study by Transport Infrastructure Ireland, a technical note on the proposed right turn lanes at the Cootehall and Croghan junctions was carried out by the Donegal Regional Design Office (RDO) at the request of TII.
However, for some unclear reason, the technical note did not include a safety audit and Roscommon County Council then had to procure the services of external engineering consultants to carry out this audit.
I understand that this safety audit has now been forwarded to TII’s Regional Inspector and Donegal RDO for consideration and one of the next steps is consultation with residents who may be affected by the works.
While I do understand that the council cannot carry out any works on national roads without the permission of the TII, I want to ensure from here on in that there are no further delays in progressing this project.”
Senator Frank Feighan, (086) 8331234.