Domestic Abuse Purple Day
“We, in An Garda Síochána, continue to treat all instances of Domestic Abuse as a priority and wish to take this opportunity to once again re-enforce and reassure victims that domestic abuse incidents, including coercive control, continue to receive the highest priority response from An Garda Síochána. We will continue to allocate adequate resources towards crimes against the vulnerable and frontline Gardaí, the Garda National Protective Services Bureau (GNPSB) and Divisional Protective Service Units (DPSU) are all resources available to respond to these crimes. An Garda Síochána work closely with our partners in State and non-State Agencies to facilitate continuity in respect of access to support services and Courts Services. One such organisation that An Garda Síochána in the Castlerea & Roscommon Districts work closely with is Roscommon Safe Link.
Roscommon Safe Link is a non-profit charitable organisation in Co. Roscommon, Ireland, that offers information, support and counselling to women and men. Their service is available to those who have experience domestic violence and abusive situations.
This Friday, 23rd April, Roscommon Safe Link are encouraging everyone to wear the colour purple in an effort to promote awareness and ‘start the conversation’ on domestic violence and to make people aware of the supports available. Gardai in Castlerea & Roscommon fully support this initiative to create awareness and, in association with An Garda Síochána’s ongoing ‘Operation Faoiseamh’, we want to encourage the reporting of all cases of Domestic Violence & Abuse.
So please wear purple this Friday the 23rd of April 2021 and ‘START THAT CONVERSATION’.”