Creative Roscommon Young Visitor Project

Creative Roscommon Young Visitor Project


Creative Roscommon Young Visitor Project encourages children to engage with key heritage sites throughout the County
The innovative Creative Roscommon Young Visitor Project aims to encourage families and young children to celebrate and explore a series of outdoor heritage sites in the county through a collection of fun and creative resources. The project is being launched this week by Roscommon County Council to coincide with the reopening of outdoor heritage sites under revised Government guidelines from today, Monday, April 26th.
The project which is aimed at primary children throughout the county has been developed by Roscommon County Council, through the Creative Ireland Creative Communities Jobs Stimulus Measure 2020. Through a collaboration with artist Catherine Fanning and writer Maura Gilligan, the Young Visitor Project features a number of resources including drawings, stories and information which are available as printable downloads on