As the Minister for Energy, I have the honour of hosting an All-Island Brexit Civic Dialogue on Energy in King House, Boyle Co. Roscommon this Monday.
This is the latest in a series of Civic Dialogues being held by Government Departments following the All-Island Civic Dialogue held in the Royal Hospital Kilmainham in November.
The objective of the energy event in Boyle Town is to identify the key implications of Brexit for the energy sector and to provide an opportunity for input into the Government’s preparations for the negotiation process.
After I open the dialogue, a presentation will be made providing an overview of the energy sector and the key priorities identified to date in relation to Brexit. The dialogue will continue with a number of breakout sessions discussing key themes. The first session will examine the topics of business, infrastructure and investment and the second session will include social and all-island/border issues. The dialogue will close with a final session where the results of the breakout sessions with be presented and discussed.
What: Department of Communications, Climate Action & Environment Brexit Civil Dialogue on Energy
Where: King House, F52 WR26, Boyle, Co. Roscommon.
When: 10.30am – 4.15pm Monday February 6th 2017