Covid 19 & Return to Play Protocols
GAA pitches are open to adult members for non contact training from today and for underage non contact training from Saturday. Under the return to play guidelines however, certain requirements must be met before members can return.
Please see below step by step quick guide on what needs to be completed prior to your return or your child’s return to training.
*** Please note that each step below must be completed for the health & safety of everyone ***
1. Covid 19: Guidelines on safe return to Gaelic games must be read.
2. E-Learning module
At the end of this module you will gain a certificate of completion which must be shown/given to the Covid supervisor prior to returning to training.
This module must be completed by:
• Players, parents/guardians (of all underage players)
• Covid Supervisors
• Managers & Coaches
3. Complete Healthcare Questionnaire
Using the same online system, players, parents/guardians (of underage players) & team personnel will be required to declare before each training session/game that their health status has not changed.
If the above is not complied with, you/your child cannot train/play. Again, we ask for your patience and understanding throughout the process and we look forward to welcoming all our members back to the Abbey Park.