Boyle Arts Festival 2019 is now over
Boyle Arts Festival 2019 is now over and the organising committee will take a short break in the certain knowledge that BAF 2019 was a ‘best ever’, a special birthday event with 80 events and enjoyed by thousands of people. Doubtless the committee will shortly discuss aspects of this year’s festival before actioning plans for 2020.
Among topics that may possibly be discussed by the committee:
1. Drop the word “Main” from the King House Exhibition as it implies that all other expos are of lesser importance
2. Consider a different venue for the Boyle Open Art Exhibition. 214 exhibits were showing in a small but lovely space this year necessitating a size restriction on images. The Sports Complex (inc Car Park) at Abbey Community College would be ideal if available
• Boyle Arts Festival came about following my suggestion to Barry Feely in Tarpey’s Lounge that we should organise a festival to follow the defunct Cé Arts Festival. The first Boyle Arts Festival was held in The Moylurg Inn and the second festival in Boyle Parochial School. Then and inspired by Fergus Ahern, King House became venue for an exhibition of works transforming what was a local arts festival into one that included works by nationally recognised artists. Through the years, Fergus, assisted by various committee members developed Boyle Arts Festival into one of national and international importance.