Boyle 2040 – Town Enhancement Plan
“View from the Crescent” 2010 photo
The following article was published in MARCH 2016 … !!!
“A progress report on the Boyle Town Enhancement Plan will be presented to members of the Boyle Municipal District at their monthly meeting in March 2016.
The plan, titled “Boyle 2040” which will see a rejuvenation of Boyle Town centre, has been the subject of research and planning by Boyle Town Team in conjunction with Roscommon County Council Town Centre Planning Unit for the last 18 months.
It presents a framework for public realm enhancement to the north and west side of the town to include Main Street, Bridge St and St. Patrick Street.
The plan also includes a vision for the former Royal Hotel site and linkages to the proposed Lough Key to Boyle Greenway. Following the municipal district meeting, the plan will go on public display.
Town Team chairperson “It is exciting and I have no doubt will be widely welcomed, transforming Boyle Town Centre into one of the most modern in the area over the next number of years.”
• The Town Team published a ‘follow-up’ article in December 2014. Judge for yourself which of the plans have been actioned [read more…]