BMS The Addams Family

BMS – they have done it again !!


Boyle Musical Society’s current “The Addams Family” is a Wow-Factor production,  loaded with A-List performances, a gorgeous stage set and an orchestra “par excellence”.
BMS is fortunate to have two very talented ladies as its production team : In her seventh year as Director is Vivienne Moran.  Her creative flair and mentoring strengths have allowed both cast and crew to flourish in their roles. Anne Kielty is BMS Musical Director and has worked with soloists and the chorus to produce the best vocals and harmonies for the stage. Along with being the orchestra pianist, Anne is also rehearsal pianist and chorus mistress.
Lead roles are brilliantly performed and exceedingly well interpreted by Darragh Beirne, Grainne Caldbeck, Karen Gordon, Enda Regan, Stephen Tighe, Brendan Reid, Cliona Dowd, Karen Kane, Sean McInerney and Conor de Faoite assisted by excellent chorus singers and dancers
The Show will continue until Saturday 24th  at 8pm nightly in St. Joseph’s Hall, Boyle., and will include a matinee performance on Saturday 25th at 2.30pm. Tickets are available from Únabhán beside King House and will also be available at the door, each night.
Read Brendan McGee’s Preview of the Show and more [here…]

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