At a glance: What rules change … and what will stay the same
• Plans to reopen pubs that do not serve food have been put on hold for the second time, despite pressure from the industry. This situation is set to be reviewed again in the next three weeks – on or before August 31.
• Bars, nightclubs and casinos will also remain closed until this review happens at the end of the month.
• Restaurants and pubs that serve food are allowed to open under current guidelines and restrictions. However they will now face a so-called ‘curfew’ and have to close their doors at 11pm.
• The current restrictions on numbers attending indoor gatherings (50) and outdoor gatherings (200)will remain unchanged. Hopes of raising outdoor gatherings to 500 people, which would have been a boost for spectator sports, have been dashed for now.
• Face coverings will be mandatory in shops and shopping centres across the country from August 10. They are already compulsory on public transport.
The so-called Green List of countries that could be travelled to and from without movement restrictions has been shortened from the previous number of 15 to 10. The countries that were removed from the list yesterday were Malta, Cyprus, Gibraltar, Monaco and San Marino