Ann wrote: “Hi Sean, I was in Boyle a few weeks ago and couldn’t get over the neglect that had been allowed to happen in the Lawn. I don’t think I have ever seen it in such a bad state. Grass growing wild, well more weeds than grass, benches broken, info board re Frybrook faded,water damaged etc. I could go on. So sad. Unfortunately I don’t know who else I can contact now the Town Commission had disbanded. Any help or info would be greatly appreciated.”
• Kevin Hickey wrote: I will be down the lawn Thursday morning (3rd November0 at 10.30 with my mower and bags and will make an effort. Anyone who helps me out is much appreciated.
Remember the world is full of willing people. Some are willing to work and others are willing to watch them … I’m a Boyle man who loves his town and will help out. I’m not asking for blood. I’m asking for help. I’ll be there. Will you??????
• Comment: I commend Kevin for his concern and community spirit. I request help from viewers on my Facebook pages as well as viewers of I will also offer ‘before and after’ photos. Yes Kevin … LET’S DO IT FOR BOYLE !!!